Thursday, April 21, 2011


It has been a while since my last post. I've been quite busy finishing a couple of illustration projects. Now, there all done and will be online soon. I'm trying to finish my new website and logo in two weeks. I'll let you know when it's done!

Also, I've been featured on a blog called were my work got paired up with a picture by Kari Altmann. I think they did a nice job! Don't you?

In a couple of days i will give you an update on my collaboration with Twan Mul.
So stay tuned ;)


Helmi said...

Wat leuk dat je ook bij mij komt kijken. Fijn dat je mij gaat volgen.
Fijne paasdagen, Helmi

Siri Hol said...

Graag gedaan! Ik ben zelf ook docent beeldend op basisscholen, altijd leuk om te zien :)