Friday, February 04, 2011


One of my first sketches for 'De Aangespoelde Walrus'.
 A while ago the multitalented Twan Mul asked me to collaborate on a story he wrote. I was waiting for an opportunity like this, so I'm very excited to be working on this wonderful story together.

I'm not going to give away the story right now, but I can tell you it is called 'De Aangespoelde Walrus' and is about a lost love, loneliness and memories, starting with a walrus that washes up on the shore.
Twan is a storyteller, he writes and draws, makes comics and videogames.

On his Flickr account you can find some of his new work. But you must take a look at his website, which is really oldskool cool.

So I will keep you up to date and post sketches and maybe some other ideas as well.
Hopefully, you'll be as excited as I am.

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