Monday, January 03, 2011


A while ago Erika Medina Asked me to enter a really cool project called Many Bruno's. Here you can read some information about the goal of this project.

'This project is about a character that is called Bruno. For this project I go around asking random people (on the street) from different cities to read a short description of Bruno and then to do a spontaneous drawing of what they imagined the character to look like. Also I have contacted people via the internet in order to get a wider selection of Brunos. The goal is to gather a collection of interesting drawings that will show different interpretations of the same character. I am most interested to see the result of how different people from different cultures imagine what "grotesque" looks like. So far I have received Brunos from more than 10 countries. And it would be great if you made a Bruno too.'

Bruno could pass for a human but also as an animal.
Bruno is grotesque yet adorable. When you see him it may cause some nausea and also some laughter.
Bruno has more agile legs than a velociraptor and a gazelle together, but you cannot always notice it.
Sometimes, Bruno is very asymmetric, and may even have 3 pupils but only 2 eyes.
His expression is of fatigue and anxiety, and happiness and hunger.
Bruno has a lot of hair, but sometimes you can only see very little of it.
Sometimes, Bruno must spend time in the mud, or he would lose all his teeth.
Bruno enjoys spending most of his time in crowded places, but most people never see him.
Bruno sometimes wears clothes, but not how they are supposed to be worn. (ankle boots with mini heels are among his favorites).
Bruno could pose as your weirdest family member or acquaintance and you would never realize it.
Most dogs go crazy after seeing Bruno. Cats don't care about him, so they don't react at all.
The life expectancy of Bruno is unknown so far.
After seeing Bruno, anyone gets confused ... for at least a few days. (some think he is really ugly and creepy)

So on here you can see my Bruno. Hope you like it!
To see all the other Bruno's you can check out the website wich will be launched today.


Lobke van Aar said...

I ♥ BRUNO!!! Supertof!! :)

Siri Hol said...

Thanks :)
Het is ook echt een leuk project!